Clearances Required for all Staff & Volunteers!
All Staff /Employees of Saint Aloysius
Volunteers - defined as contact with students/children
Click on the number to the left of each requirement for quick access to each site.
Safe Environment I:
Protecting God's Children Course
Please register if you need your clearance for Protecting God's Children, which will include the Technology Addendum. These classes usually fill up early.
Click here to register.
Choose "Philadelphia, PA (Archdiocese)" as your organization.
Safe Environment II:
Mandated Reporter On-Line Course click on “Training Institute”. You will need to setup a login and print the certificate upon completion of the course.
Click here for online training.
Criminal Record Check
(required by state law to be renewed every 5 years)
Print out 2 copies of the final report. Keep one copy, hand in one copy to Saint Aloysius.
Click here for online application.
PA Child Abuse History Clearance
(required by state law to be renewed every 5 years)
Click here for the form.
FBI Fingerprint Clearance
(required by state law to be renewed every 5 years)
This clearance must be obtained by volunteers living in PA for less than 10 years. Anyone who is a paid staff member must have this clearance.
Click here for registration.
When registering, click on PA department of Education.
Note: If you have lived continuously in PA for ten years or more, you do not need the FBI clearance to volunteer.
Disclosure Statement for Volunteers
(required by state law)
This must be signed by ALL volunteers.
Click here for the form.
Mandated Reporter
Acknowledgement Brochure and Signature Form
Brochure must be read and Signature Form signed and turned in to the School Office.