Extended Care is available from 7:00 AM until 6:00 PM each school day. Extended care is also available on early dismissal days (except the last day of school for the year) provided there is sufficient interest. Saint Aloysius provides professional care, supervision and supplementary child care in a Catholic environment. This service is provided only to children enrolled at Saint Aloysius Parish School.
2024-2025 Rates:
$7.00/hour per child (as submitted on calendar.)
$10.00/hour per child (for dates/times not indicated or submitted on calendar.)
*All CARES HOURS will be billed.
For pick-up after 6:00 PM the rate is $1.00 per minute. Students who arrive at school before 7:45 AM and students who are not picked up by 3:15 PM will be sent to the CARES program. Parents are responsible for the charges incurred during this time.
CARES Program Information 2021-2022
Children Are Receiving Extended Services
Open from 7:00 AM until 6:00 PM each school day, the CARES program is now accepting applications. Please view the school calendar regarding special circumstances (see inclement weather policy & procedure). Our CARES Program is facilitated by experienced and dedicated caregivers.
Saint Aloysius Parish School provides professional care, supervision, recreation, and enrichment activities. It serves
working families who desire both parochial school education and before school/after school child care in their familiar Catholic school environment.
This professionally-operated program allows children to experience a rich diversity of growth activities within a Catholic environment. These activities are planned to complement the philosophy and value systems of the school and family.Arts and crafts projects, outside recess/games and recreation, rest time, and snack time are just a few of the planned activities. Time is set aside during the afternoon CARES session for homework completion.
To reserve space for your child or children in the CARES Program, please complete the application form, attach a non-refundable registration fee per family and forward both to the CARES Program at Saint Aloysius Parish School. After receiving your application, you will be personally contacted by the Director.
With the children’s safety and well being in mind, it is MOST important that the parent fills out an emergency card and then adheres to the instructions given.
REGULATIONS regarding Child’s Departure from the Program:
Parents or guardians should not take children from the school yard or other areas without notifying a CARES staff member and signing out.
Children will not be released to anyone whose signature is not on the emergency card. If an alternate pick-up person is needed, you must inform the main office. Please provide a note or email notification regarding this change AND call the main office. As soon as you know of a change in pick-up. NO child will be released to any individual who is not listed on the parent’s list without first being notified with a note /email AND informing the main office.
Please visit the school’s website for snow delay/early dismissal information and updates. CARES policies & procedures are listed in the CARES program guide and student/parent handbook.